Dr. Jorge Gallardo

Dr. Jorge Gallardo


Universidad de Talca

Biologist and Doctor in biological sciences from the Botany area of ​​the University of Concepción. I am currently Associate Researcher of the Plant Ecology group and lecturer at the Institute of Biological Sciences of the University of Talca. My line of research has focused on describing the mechanisms of resistance to environmental stress in Antarctic plants. I am interested in determining the participation of root microbiomes in tolerance to salt stress in Colobanthus quitensis and Deschampsia antarctica and how this interaction between microorganisms and plants can be applied to crops of commercial interest. I have made about 10 expeditions to Antarctica, two of which went to the South Pole, as scientific head of an interdisciplinary group of researchers, to carry out activities at the Chilean Union Glacier Joint Base and five in camps on islands of the Maritime Antarctica. I was head of the scientific base of the Chilean Antarctic Institute (INACH) Professor Julio Escudero for three seasons.

  • Biology
  • Botany
  • phD in Biological Sciences - Botany, 2013

    Universidad de Concepción

  • BSc in Biology, 2000

    Universidad de Concepción